Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 - It's time for the Idols to come down & the truth of GOD to rise up!

You know every year I post a word to encourage and prepare for the next year. The last few days I've been before the Lord not to get a word, but just to be in His presence.  There was something different about my time with Him because in seeking Him and just desiring to be in His presence, feel His touch, seek His face, Love on Him and be loved by Him- He gave me a word.  Now, I'm not saying this word is for everyone but I believe it's for someone.
If you've been in church long enough or even lived long enough there are beliefs that you pick up and began to shape your life around those beliefs.  If you grew up in church or not, you still have some sort of philosophy that you live by based off what you've learned from your experiences.   One day after spending time with God, I grabbed a pen and this is what came to my spirit, "Religion makes you reluctant to the Holy Spirit." Now this shocked me because I cringe at the spirit of religion, but without questioning God I immediately wrote down, "Remove the residue of religion and impart in me the revelation of relationship with you."   One simple definition of religion:  is a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects. 
I began to ask the Lord to remove any personal religion (set of beliefs) that I've created or picked up that others have also believed and now it's keeping me from experiencing the fullness of relationship with Him.  Now I'm going to let that meditate for a minute before I release the word of encouragement for 2014. 
I recently heard this minister say, "The you that you know is the not the you that GOD knows." This is a powerful statement because many times we can't see what God sees because of religion (set of beliefs that we've come to live by) about ourselves. I'm making it personal because we box religion into the four walls of the church and we don't even realize it has crossed over into personal walk with GOD.  When we are disappointed, betrayed, hurt, feel like a failure, confused, afflicted, judged, etc….we often go back to an image of ourselves that is contrary to what GOD spoke over us in our mother's womb. Yes, we can find ourselves turning to a set of beliefs that does not line up with the word or character of GOD.  See we were created in the image and likeness of GOD, many of us still don't have a clue of who we are because we don't have a clue of who GOD is; the image is distorted.  It's time for the idols to come down! It's time to tear down the false religious beliefs we put on ourselves or others have put on us about who God really is and who we really are in Him.
During my honeymoon stage of saying "yes" to the Lord you couldn't tell me anything. I was chosen, accepted, and loved, but as time went on I forgot the power of being chosen, accepted, and loved by GOD.  My "yes" to Him was enough seventeen years ago, so why shouldn't it be enough now!  What did I forget about that moment or the moments leading up to my Yes?  What lies, false set of beliefs have I picked up or created along the way that is keeping from experiencing heaven here on earth with the lover of my soul? It's a little insane if you think of it because when God found me I was a fornicator, liar, a thief, fearful, had low self-worth, and I was totally lost, yet He deemed me worthy.  He chose, accepted, and loved me with no questions asked. He didn't go over my past, He didn't say you have to do this or that first, He didn't even try to fix or clean me up first- He just said, "I sent my son to die for you, and I love you so much."  All I had to do was believe and say Yes to His invitation.  It sounds so simple almost too simple, yet, the insane part of the story is as our relationship grew and as I looked to others in regards to my relationship with Him something changed. I started to feel unworthy, I started to feel like I had to be perfect, I started to feel that my mistakes disqualified me from the love I had already freely received, I started to work to prove to God that I was worthy to be called His when He chose me in my pit of fornication, lies, fear, etc.  I felt like I had to perform so others could see why GOD once chose me.  Then I was reminded of Galatians 5:7- "You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth?"  Somewhere along the way my "yes" got misplaced.  I said "yes" to an everlasting relationship with my Abba Father, I said "yes" to spread the good news of the Gospel that I myself had experienced. My "yes" was to His will not my own, my "yes" was to Jesus not to man, my "yes" was to walk by faith not by sight,  my "yes" was to His Spirit not my flesh, my "yes" was to His word not my dead works, to His power not my own strength, to His promise not my past.
 I sent out a post not too long ago about not looking back but looking up! Anything you need to remember or see GOD can show you from a heavenly perceptive.  What images of yourself, your ministry, your circumstances, your marriage, your finances, and even your "yes" that you keep looking to, to define the promises of GOD, to define your identity in GOD, or may I dare to say how you've defined GOD.  It's time for the false idols to come down. GOD wants to destroy every false belief that you've accepted as Truth! We can make decrees and declarations, write down the plans for 2014, we can bring the new year in the church, but if we keep looking at our past, keep listening to the wisdom of man (please don't get me wrong, I honor divine wisdom and respect the men and women who God uses to speak into our lives; I am a woman of GOD) but if we chose any voice above GOD'S voice or above His word- we will remain hindered. If we don't see ourselves through the eyes of Christ, we will be hindered yet again. If we don't learn to seek a relationship with GOD just to have a relationship with Him then we will be hindered-too many people are straying away from truth and if we are not careful we will become like Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8: 9-24, who we know believed and was even baptized, but only desired for himself a platform and power of the Holy Spirit, not a relationship or to see God's people set free.  Seek the Lord with your whole heart and walk in His truth in 2014!  You were created in His image and likeness alone.  It's never too late I don't care what year it is; as long as you have breathe there is still hope. My best friend Gina Dacus ministered a powerful word of encouragement that stirred something in me. She spoke about the thief on the cross. I began to think about this man who was called a thief, who was naked; fully exposed, who was ridiculed, abandoned, and was being crucified, but in his last moments; he believed and with his last breath; he asked Jesus to remember him. We know by scripture that Jesus in his last moments declared it wasn't too late for this thief. That's the true Love of Christ any other belief has to come down!  People get scared by this word because we don't want people to continue to sin, but when we say "yes " and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are no longer captives to sin.  This message is for the mature.  In 2014 it's time to seek the Lord.  Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you! Make sure you know what you are seeking in "2014" - when the false idols come down, the truth of GOD will rise up and we will see the Glory of GOD in the earth realm!
Be Ye encouraged and Empowered. Happy New Year to each of you! 
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Looking Ahead and don't turn back- Be Ye Encouraged!

 Thanksgiving is a day that is recognized globally as a reminder to be grateful and thankful in life, but lets try to make everyday thanksgiving. Lets wake up and be thankful for life. It has been an amazing morning, I woke up early with a sense of excitement. Excitement for what God is doing, going to do, and have already done! I felt that the Lord was saying, "don't look back."  The scripture tells us to fix our eyes on the things above and not on earthly things, why? Because God knew that there would be times when what we see in the natural can bring discouragement, confusion, anxiousness, and even hopelessness. He wanted us to be reminded that we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience. We are connected to two realms, we get to walk on earth while being connected to Him in heaven. WOW!!! I know we all know this but sometimes the scriptures have to really be our bread of life and we must really take time to digest what GOD is actually saying and know that He means every word. It can't be words that just gives us encouragement, but His word has to be the very fuel that stirs our spirit and causes us to rise up to the status of royalty in the Kingdom of GOD. The uncomfortable part is living with what you see in the spirit and what you see and have around you. A powerful woman of God, Rachel Hickson stated, "living in the contradiction between your reality and your vision takes courage and faith, but we need to learn how to hold on in spite of the tension during the season of change." Yes, it takes courage to push through the transition time of uncertainty. It's been said that facts last for a day, but truth is for a lifetime. What is the facts trying to say to you today? Maybe the facts are trying to say your bank account balance is low, but the truth is that God will make a way out of no way and He will supply every need. The facts might give you a negative medical report, but the truth states that by His stripes you are healed. The facts might show that your kids are going wayward, but the truth states that the fruit of your womb is blessed and if you train up a child in the ways of the Lord, even if they stray they will return. The facts may say that nothing is working right now in your life, but the truth states that God knows the plans He has for you and they are to prosper you not to harm you, but to give you a hope and future. I can go on, but you get my point. God's truth overrules the worlds facts any and every day!  During these times we are also being stretched and it doesn't always feel good, but we all know stretching is good, especially before you begin to run or workout. Man, that's a whole other blog because stretching increases blood flow to your muscles, which is important because it increases mobility and prevents your muscles from tiring too soon. Wow, we need to be stretched in our walk it allows us to continue to flow freely in the things of God without giving up. Anyway I just want to encourage you to look ahead! Don't look back at the old; God is doing a new thing, do you not perceive it?  We must look ahead to the promises of GOD. Run towards them, not in anxiousness but with courage and confidence that it shall come to pass.  Look ahead with a grateful heart that you are still here and that the facts does not dictate the truth of who your Father is!!! He is GOD, He is the great I Am, He is your Abba Papa, He is your Provider, He is your Strength, He is your way maker, He is your friend, He is your peace, He is your Strong Tower, He is your Lily in the Valley, He is your Hope, He is a mother to the motherless, He is your Bridegroom, He is your Deliverer, He is your Healer, He is the Beginning and the End, and guess what everything in between. He is your courage, He is your TRUTH!!!! He is ever lasting!
A long time ago God gave me a piece concerning the what, the why, the who, and the how of change. Often times we get stuck on the what, the why, and how of change! These factors are important, but irrelevant when you think about the WHO. I challenge you to fix your eyes on the WHO! The WHO is GOD! He will complete everything He started in and for you. Praise God, We must look ahead and know the WHO on the inside of us. This should bring you JOY! This truth is huge!!! It's been said before that we should look back at what GOD has done, but we need to start looking up! He can show us everything He has done from a heavenly perspective. Sometimes looking back causes us to get stuck in yesterday; we focus on what didn't work, what we didn't or did do, what was suppose to happen, looking back can cause us to expect God to show up in the same way as before, and we can even look back and think that God has already done a lot and we shouldn't expect more... the devil is a liar. He came to give you life and life more abundantly. He has more love, joy, peace, and goodness in store for you! Look ahead !!! Look Ahead. Rejoice!!! He is doing a New Thing!
Be Grateful, Thankful, and Look Ahead.  
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"It's good to have a little reminder" - Hi my peoples...it's been a minute

"It's good to have a little reminder"
"I'm in school and it's killing me," was my response when I was asked how I was doing.   It was at this moment that I was reminded of the power of my words.  The person who I was speaking to called me on it and then told me how their church was fasting forty days from stinking thinking.  Yes, forty days of staying away from negative words that comes from negative thinking. We often fast in different ways and for different reasons- Denying something physical to glorify God and go deeper with Him in the Spirit. Most times we push our plates back, get into our prayer closet and in our word, and seek the Lord.  We fast physical things to go deeper with God, we come out hearing, but not really believing. We still have old mindsets-that old stinking thinking! We long to gain clarity from God during a time of fasting, but if we don't trust what the Lord is speaking then we find ourselves circling the same mountain. When He speaks whether it's him giving us direction or correction, we need to walk it out. We should be coming out of our prayer closets with our minds renewed, declaring those things we heard in the secret place over our lives. Instead of circling the mountain, we should be removing it! It doesn't matter about the reality of our situation because God desires that we call those things that be not, as though they were. We need to fix our eyes on things above, not only earthly things. We need to see what God is doing/speaking in Heaven and partner with Him.  
We have to remember that so as a man thinketh, so is He! What are you thinking about yourself, your job/career, ministry, finances, family, marriage, school, and the list can go on.....! Does your thinking line up with God's word?  We also have to remember that life and death is in the power of the tongue. What are you choosing to speak over your situation? Are you speaking life over hopeless or maybe even dead situations? Are you speaking death to those things that need to die in your life? God has not only given you the power but also the authority to do so.
Now that I have you thinking….we must also remember that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. What's really in your heart? What's really going on? Yes it's time to go deep. We've been treading the surface of issues for far too long. Stinking thinking and heart issues are sure signals that it's healing time. It's healing time! Yes It's Healing time! We can't shout over our issues, we can't dance them out, we can't preach them out, or even fast them out!  All of these things are huge, but will be ineffective in the long run if we don't get healed!  They will be temporary fixes and yep we will be around that moment again.
It's Healing Time! It's time for us to go deep with the Lord. It's time to get naked before him. Allowing the Holy Spirit who is the greatest surgeon who ever lived to do the work in us, but we must show up and yield ourselves to whatever He desires -even being ok with the recovery time.
This started off with something very small, but it served as a reminder to me how easy it is to fall back into speaking negative. For me, it was also a check in my spirit because I realized that my statement was not the only comment that was so contrary from how I normally speak. I realized that when people were asking me how I was doing, my response was "I'm tired, I'm exhausted, I'm tired of school, school is getting on my nerve, I'm tired of cleaning this house, I can't stand this or that"  Can you hear the sirens?  This was how I was truly feeling, but it was also an indication that something was going on. First off I wasn't resting, I wasn't balancing my time, I was overwhelmed because I didn't know how to say "no" to some things.  Now the good news is that I am not powerless. I've been changing my confessions and I've been changing my habits. I feel great! Again this is small, but no matter the situation we must pay attention to our indicators! I didn't need any deep healing from this (lol), but there have been things in my life that the indicators were sounding "It's Healing Time" and yes a sista had spiritual surgery!  God is so….. Yes I still haven't found a word to describe Him! I can say that He is truly my everything!
I was reminded of a few things so thought I would share.
Be Ye Encouraged!   
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Do you have a pen and a piece a paper? Write the vision!

Hello everyone,
I was wondering what God would give me next to write, but to my surprise He gave me what I would post next. Sometimes it's not about you, but God will use you. The message I'm posting is powerful but written by Barbara Bryant. It so spoke to my spirit and was a cherry on top to all that God spoke and did for me today! I so love the Lord and He so Loves me. I want to encourage you today God is in the boat with you. Wake Him up in you and I promise you He will rebuke the winds and calm the storm in your life. So write the vision nothing can stop you!
Do you have a pen and a piece of paper? By Barbara Bryant
*Without a vision or prophetic revelation, you perish (Proverbs 29:18). One definition of the word "perish" in the Hebrew means to go backwards. When vision is lost, when vision is absent, you will begin to go backwards or go the wrong way.
What is vision? Vision is a clear mental picture of what could be, fueled by the conviction that it should be and it shall be. Vision is a preferred future – a destination. It is a course one follows to make dreams come to pass. It is the link between current reality and the future.
Vision sets a direction for your life. It empowers you to move purposefully in a predetermined direction. It allows you to see things clearly through God's eyes. A God-vision consists of foresight, insight and oversight that come from His sight.
Vision gives you purpose, goals and an agenda which means you must work to bring your vision from a dream to reality. Vision without implementation is hallucination. Vision without work is day dreaming. Work without vision is drudgery, but vision with works equals destiny.
If God has given you a vision, you must execute and employ the plan in order for the dream to become a reality. You may not have the financial or people resources for the vision, but you can write the vision. The question is: Do you have a pen and paper?
The first part of accomplishing any vision is to take it from the unseen world and bring it into the natural realm. This can be accomplished by simply writing down the vision. All you need is a pen and paper. Articulating the vision on paper pulls the dream that is in your spirit (that no one can see but you) into the visible world so that you can accomplish it.
Let me ask you again, do you have a pen and paper? I'm sure you can find a pen and paper in your living room, your bedroom, or at a CVS store. That's all you need to inscribe, express and compose in literary and permanent form the vision God gave you.
What am I saying? The vision must be written. The Lord replied to Habakkuk, "Write the vision and make it plain…." (Habakkuk 2:2). The vision must be documented. It is your starting point of seeing what God wants you to accomplish. The written vision is also a God given map, a written clear picture of what God is revealing to you.
Unless you discover God's unique vision for your future, your life may very well be a rerun because all man-made visions look alike. But a God vision is unique to you. God's vision for you does not include pressing you into someone else's mold.
My friend, it's time out for being busy with the wrong things, working in the wrong area and trying to fulfill and duplicate another man's assignment in the Kingdom. When you do this, you are forfeiting God intended and intentional plan for you.
Where do you want to be in three years in the Lord? Do you have a vision to do more for the Kingdom of God, than you are doing today? Are you fulfilling God's vision for you? Or are you duplicating another man's assignment and forfeiting your divine purpose?
Remember, everybody ends up somewhere in life. But with a God vision, you can end up somewhere on purpose!
About the Author:
Bible Teacher Barbara Bryant is a multi-published author as well as a mentor and popular inspirational speaker. Her books include: Compensated Suffering; Gifted Inspiration; and Stedmon Makes Me Laugh. Her passion is encouraging others to find their destiny in Christ and to employ their gift. Visit her website at: www.barbarabryant.com.
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Monday, August 19, 2013

Letting Go and making room...

 Letting go and making room...

I gazed at the glass frosted picture frame across from where I was sitting in my living room. I was trying to remember the emotions I felt during the specific time the photo was taken.  The picture captured my youngest daughter a day after she was born in the arms of my oldest daughter, who was eight years old.   You would think the puddle of rain that dripped steadily from the bank of my eyes like a leaking faucet was because of the memory of bringing my precious baby girl into this world, but it wasn't.  Echoes of silence drew me closer to the picture and all I could see is my oldest daughter big beautiful smile & puppy dog eyes. She was so young and the innocence in her eyes called out to me "I will always be your baby girl."  I slid out of my comfortable ottoman chair and managed to crawl over to my lamp stand to grab for her.  Picking that frame up gave me a sense of comfort as if I was picking her up and holding her tightly in my arms.  The photo began to reveal something that had been hidden to me all this time.  It began to give me answers to questions concerning my oldest daughter that I had throughout the years as she transitioned from my little girl, to a teenager, and now to a young adult.
See it had been me and her against the world the first four years of her life.  Who else other than God was going to love her unconditionally the way that I did?  She was my first born and I was her first love. She was mine and I in return was hers.  I was the first person who held her in my arms and yes, I was her first kiss.  I was the first person to ever hold her hand, dry her tears, and sing her to sleep.  In the picture she was holding in her arms another person she would have to share me with.  She smiled big for the camera as she held her baby sister the best she could due to her arm being broken at school just a few weeks before. I didn't even recognize it then but as I found myself staring at the picture I realized that she was very excited, but just like her arm she was very fragile as well.  My mother's intuition must have not been tuned into how hard it must have been for her to let me go and share me with not only one but now two sisters. Not to mention that I also married two years before that!  I gripped the side edges of the frame even harder wishing I could go back in time to let her know how much she meant to me; that no one could ever take her place in my heart.  Do you ever wish you could go back in time with the wisdom that you have now?  You know go back to the time before our children no longer desired to hold our hands  because they wanted to be a big girl/boy.  Remembering the times before you had to hear those words "mom don't kiss me in front of my friends."  You know before they started picking out their clothes on their own, before they started closing their room door, before they started reading the books on their own, and before your singing was the last thing they wanted to hear before going to bed (lol).  Or before they wanted to hang out with friends instead of being home having fun with you.  Wishing you could go back to the times when they use to tell you everything. Yes, going back to the moments when you were the greatest person in their eyes who could fix anything and do no wrong.

My beautiful daughter is now eighteen years old and yesterday I had to loosen my grip a little and let go as we moved her into her college dorm room.  Can you say "Bitter/Sweet?"  Looking at her picture today I now know how she must have felt when she had to loosen her grip and learn to share me.  My baby girl had to make room in her heart as our family was expanding.  I can only imagine how she must have felt when she realized I wasn't perfect and was capable of making huge mistakes. Or how she felt the first time I said something that hurt her even though I didn't mean it.  I can better understand how she felt when other things in my life were stressing me, but I couldn't really talk to her about it (leaving her to wonder was it her).  I know how hard it was for her to hear me say, "There are some things that you are going to have to figure out on your own." Today while gazing into my daughter's eyes the photo allowed me to grasp a better understanding of some of the emotions she had to work through because I now find myself experiencing some of those same emotions. I am the one who has to make room in my heart as her world expands. I am the one who is now realizing she is not perfect and that she is capable of making mistakes. I am the one who has to learn not to take things personal when she says things she doesn't mean.  I am the one  learning that there are some things that she rather not talk to me about.  I am the one who can hear her saying back to me… "Mom you have to let me figure things out for myself."

God used this precious life to save my life. I started off as the teacher in her life and ended up being becoming a student.  I am truly grateful for the "before" times. They are my memories captured in my heart which is where she will always live no matter where she is. I am so proud of her.

 I didn't make all the right decisions being a mom, but one decision I made was training her up in the ways of the Lord.  She accepted God as her Lord and Savior.  As a mom it gives me peace because I am assured that He will never leave her or forsake her. He will be with her always even to the end of the earth.  She has started her college journey and she is not alone! Yesterday was not a goodbye but a day that I had to make room in my heart for her to grow; make room in my heart as her world expands.

With tears of gratitude, I say thank you to God, my husband who is amazing dad, her sisters, my church family, her grandparents, the host of aunties, uncles, and friends who have helped me raise her.  It truly does take a village to raise a family.  So many have helped us in this transition and all I can say is My God is awesome, this is what it truly means to be wealthy. 

To my baby girl I say thank you for allowing me to love you and impart in you.  Thank you for helping me become not only a better mom but a better person. You are truly a  super star!

p.s. -  mom and dad … I now understand!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Monday, July 22, 2013

Back down memory lane ..... Journey of Love.


I've been on quite a journey lately, but I'm here to tell you that every journey we take in life is valuable because there are some things that we hear, see, and experience along the way that we wouldn't have unless that journey had been taken. Well, I've been on a journey with the Lord. He has been taking me back down memory lane.  He has allowed me to share and I hope it encourages you.

For quite some time now God has been bringing to my remembrance how I felt the moment I first accepted Him in my life. Before the rules and regulations, before the pressure of performance, before I partnered with the lies of the enemy.  Before the disappointments, before the betrayal. He reminded me how I use to care more about who He was in me instead of me trying to prove to everyone who I was in Him. He was revealing to me how I felt before I allowed so much to complicate His Love for me. Before I worried about the titles and perception of other people. Before I felt like I had to measure up to everyone expectation of whom they think I should be, and what they think I should be doing. Before I tried to work to prove how much I love Him when in the beginning I simply loved Him because He first loved me.  See we think God needs us, but He messed up my theology and reminded me that the only thing that this world needed was a Savior and He took care of that need by sending His only begotten son. See He sent what was needed (A Savior) to get what He desired (Us) Intimacy! All he asked us to do was to tell the world that the Need has been met.! (The Gospel)

Revelation 2:1 – I know your deeds, your hard worked, and your perseverance. I know that you cannot tolerate the wicked men, that you have tested those who claim to be apostles but are not, and found them false. You have persevered and have endured hardships for my name, and you have not grown weary. Yet I hold this against you: You have forsaken your first love.

I have a question for you, do you remember the first time you fell in love? Do you remember the first time you held that person's hand, do you remember when it seemed like an eternity since the last time you seen them even though it had only been a day or two? Do you remember the times you looked into their eyes and you could see they were created to love and to be loved? Do you remember how they made you feel when you were in their presence, how those butterflies would spread their wings and began to awaken something within you? Do you remember? Do you remember the very moment you put your fragile heart on the line and found the courage to say those three letter words, "I Love You"? Do you remember the first time someone said those words to you and made you feel like you could dance upon the clouds forever?  

Often times in relationships we forget. The extraordinary experiences we had in the beginning become ordinary occurrences. We forget the first kiss, the first date, and we forget the joy and freedom of being in love.

One day I was in a worship service and I felt the presence of God all over me. I felt His Love trickling through my soul. I had no words to express what I was experiencing.  Then His Spirit in His Faithfulness began to speak for and through me, these are the words to the song that flowed from my heart: "Take me back when I would do anything just to be with you. Take me back to the time when I would just sing to you and when I slept you sang a love song over me. Take back when I awoke in the mornings and I knew I had been in the presence of my lover, take me back to the times I walked on water with you, take me back when I use to stay up all night talking with you even if I had to go to work or school because it was worth the sacrifice and it didn't matter because your love always energized me, take me back when I would lay in front of the fire place and even though it wasn't lit I could feel the warmth of your presence. Take me back when everyone could see the passion for you in my eyes. Take me back when I didn't care what was going on in my world because it was me and you against the world. Take me back when I took you at your word, take me back when I couldn't wait to tell everyone I was loved and in love, take me back when I felt safe and secure in your arms, take me back before the I allowed the trails and tribulation of life cloud the reality of your love for me. Take me back when knowing that you loved me was enough. Take me back when I allowed you to be my strength when I was weak. Take me back when I trusted you to provide for me when I couldn't do it by myself. Take me back when I could feel the warmth of your love hover over me.  Like an everlasting candle I could smell your fragrance from afar and it brought me assurance that you are always with me and you will never leave or forsake me. Take me back when the light of your love would illuminate my path whenever I felt lost. Take me back… I want to remember when I felt alive and free just being!"

Yes I was crying out to my lover.  Think about this for a minute, we are to be rooted and grounded in love. Paul says: "For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height - to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God" (Eph. 3:14-19). We can't wrap our carnal mind around the unknown. We are to be anchored in His love; steadfast, and unmovable. Everything we do should flow from His Love which is our crux, our center, our fountain, our nucleus, the essence of who we are, it's the foundation which we stand on, it's the rich soil that we are rooted in, it is the vantage point of how we look at everyone and everything. His love is our everything and the absence of His love simply means we exist.  Paul prayer is that we comprehend with all saints in Heaven and on Earth what is the depth and height and width and length of an infinite God and His love for us.  It can't be measured by our own comprehension but with the indwelling of His Spirit we can experience His Love that surpasses knowledge. Yes, we can experience a love that surpasses that which we've been taught. We spend too much time doing instead of being. We get lost on this journey of love with God. Sometimes we need to check our roots; we need to make sure our foundation is one of love.  When His Spirit becomes one with our spirit we birth from the Spirit. We then begin to live in the fullness of God and His Love, Peace, Joy, Kindness, Longsuffering, Gentleness, Goodness, and Self-Control flows through us and keeps us no matter what comes our way, and we are reminded that nothing can separate us from the Love of God which we have been rooted and grounded in. Be Ye Encouraged and know that you are Loved!!! It's time for us to get back to our first Love.  We are so busy doing that forget how to just be! Can you just allow yourself to be Loved? God's Love is enough. It's time most powerful weapon in the world. God's Love defeated the enemy two thousand years ago and it is that very love that gives us an eternity with our Lover!  Ask the Lord to take you back !
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

The Importance of Relationships- Choose to be the Gatekeeper of your relationships

I know it's been a long time, but I have a senior who is about to graduate and the word busy has given my life a new meaning.  So, I decided to take a break last week and go to lunch with a friend, while we were enjoying our time together I began telling her how God has been showing me the importance of relationship in regards to the body of Christ as well as our personal relationships.  While I was sharing she gave me a scripture, Ephesians 6: 15-16 (Instead, speaking the truth in love, we will grow to become in every respect the mature body of him who is the head, that is, Christ. From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.) She went on to tell me that she has read this scripture so many times and kept asking God- "what were the ligaments?"  And finally He showed her that the ligaments are the relationships within the body of Christ and they are essential. It's not enough to have a body but the body must be healthy and functioning properly in order to be effective in what it is called to do.
Immediately I was able to see it very clearly and understood why God has always had me stand in the gap to fight for relationships. God didn't just need a body, but He desires a strengthened body; not a fractured bride but a strong and radiant bride. When a ligament is torn it limits mobility in the body. The ligaments connects the bones and cartilages in our natural body; serving to support and strengthen the joints, which are the axes of movement. Now read Ephesians 6:16 again and just sit on this for a minute, until you are able to see why relationship is so important. Sit on it until you see why the enemy always attacks our relationships especially within the body of Christ. He keeps us divided and weakens our ability to move towards and in the things of God effectively; keeping us from being the extension of His Love in the earth realm.
The enemy never plays fair. He is not ethical; his plan is to kill, steal, and destroy what God has established as a core foundation for His body. One of the enemy's strategies is to disable the body! The sad part is we keep falling prey to his tactics; becoming the very vessels used to weaken the body. We have to become the gatekeepers of our relationships. Be on guard and protect what God himself is using to strengthen His body; He uses relationships because strong relationships = unity. Yet we are too busy fighting each other to win the title of "being right."  Like my friend Kelsi stated, "Instead of trying to be right, let's be righteous."  My friend Gina once told me that she heard the Lord ask her "how many times do you need to be right before you are wrong?"  How long will we allow self-righteousness to be our voice of reason? How long will we allow our emotions to dictate our response? Our emotions are suppose to be a way to funnel & release what we are feeling, not to be our guide because they can often lead us into the wrong direction of thinking.
We have to stop spending our energy trying to prove who is wrong or right.  How long will we continue to argue our theologies instead of allowing the theology of our lives to speak and defend itself.
I'm not saying we need to be foolish in building relationship with people, especially if a relationship has been previously fractured, but what I am saying is to love people in spite of their inadequacies, it cost us nothing but it cost Jesus everything. He went to the cross and paid the price for our punishment, yet we still want others to pay for theirs.  It baffles me, we are suppose to forgive not because the people who hurt us made everything right, not because they publicly admitted they were wrong, or what our expectations of them are in order to forgive, but simply because our father in heaven forgave us.  I wonder what would have happened if Jesus would have stood at the cross and said, "I'm going to get up there after mankind has learned their lesson, after I receive an apology for all they've done, and let's not forget they must be punished first."  I am so grateful I serve a merciful God.

Now, one of the reasons the body continues to be weakened is because of the spirit of offense, which is so rampant in our churches and in our personal lives.  I have to tell you that if you have the spirit of offense, more than likely, you are walking in unforgiveness.  That's why every time someone does something that reminds you of that familiar place of pain and/or betrayal, etc., you respond out of the spirit of offense. It's time to be free people!  We have to stop holding on to nonsense. Let Go and Let God!  People don't define or control us. We are responsible for our actions even if another person had a role in the situation. For years I blamed everyone for the many disappointments and pain in my life, but I had to stop and look at the man in the mirror. I was accountable for the decisions I made in spite of the actions of others.  In like manner we also need to free people- how long are we going to hold people in bondage to their past mistakes? Their mistakes do not define them, just like yours don't define you.  If we don't learn to love one another,  understanding we all are a work in progress and try to see the God in people then our relationships will remain is a desperate state and we will continue to be an open target for the enemy.  If our ligaments (relationships) are not strengthened they can cause the body to fall.  Remember it cost you nothing to forgive and love a person but it cost Jesus everything- He was humiliated, spit on, hit, flogged, His head pierced by thorns, it cost Him to be a man who knew no sin to bare our sins; to be separated from His heavenly father. I know it's easier said than done but we have the Holy Spirit, who is love and pours the love into us so that it can flow out of us. So all our excuses died on the cross!  Remember apart from Him we can do nothing but with and in Him we can do all things.  The enemy is very cunning and He knows in order to stop a move of God, he has to cripple the body.  Don't allow the enemy to use inconsequential things or circumstances to tear, rip apart, twist, or over stretch the ligaments (relationships) within your body. Choose to be the gatekeeper of your relationships in and out of church. Protect them at all cost because the enemy is a coward and he using those who are close to us to hurt us. Be the one to stand at the gate and say you will not destroy my body! I will leave you with this; we don't fight against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Now that you know your real target, aim and fire! Be Ye encouraged and don't fall prey to being the vehicle in which the enemy uses to wreck the body! 

Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Day of Encouragement - Walking in total Dependance

I was reading the Jesus Calling Devotional this morning and this is what our Sovereign God wanted to encourage us in today " Living in Dependence on Me is the way to enjoy abundant life. You are learning to appreciate tough times, because they amplify your awareness of My Presence. Task that you used to dread are becoming rich opportunities to enjoy My closeness. When you are tired, you remember that I am your Strength; you take pleasure in leaning o Me. I am Pleased by your tendency to turn to Me more and more frequently, especially when you are alone."  - Be Ye encouraged and remain trusting God. There is a time that as you continually walk with Him- you realize that you are walking in Him!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Stepping into your Future and beholding your destiny!

Stepping into your future...and beholding your destiny!

When you think about your future it can be a little overwhelming. Your future is that which is to be and will happen in the time to come.  Each of us has a future but the question is what lies ahead?  I'm here to tell you that your destiny is what lies ahead.   Destiny has been defined as something to which a person or thing is destined to do.  Meanings before you were born you were chosen, set apart for a specific purpose.  There is a scripture that has encouraged me throughout my years; Roman 8:28-30 and we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.  For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, and these He also glorified
There are seasons that we really question the occurrences in our lives. Can they really be a part of my destiny we constantly ask ourselves?  Is there really a purpose behind all the sacrifices, struggles, and yes even successes?   We ask ourselves, have I really been set apart to do something great through and with my life?  Many can't get pass the scrutiny of that inner critic saying you don't have what it takes.  Zig Ziglar stated, "Failure is an event not a person." You need to know you can't fail because your destiny has been predestined. God has called you, justified you, and if you continue to press forward you will walk right into your destiny. Yes you will meet it Head on. Many people never discover their destiny because they stop believing!  I remember being a little girl and chasing after that beautiful, colorful, and magical rainbow trying to see if I could find the pot of gold at the end.  I remember crying sometimes when the rainbow seemed as if it was so close, but the closer I got it would disappear or once again seem so far out of my reach. Yet, in spite of my disappointment, each time it rained and that rainbow appeared my determination to obtain the treasure was unstoppable.   Well as I got older I stopped chasing the rainbow! Not because my mom and dad told me there really wasn't a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, not because I did some research that stated it did not exist; I stopped because I simply stopped believing! Many people leave this earth never stepping into their destiny because they never believed or they simply stopped believing.   Even though the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is a myth; the little girl in me will never really know. You will never know if you stop believing. Faith is your fuel!  Let's be determined to live life with no regrets.  Let's stop wondering is there something waiting beyond the distractions of life, the shadow fear, the down spiral economy. Before those things ever existed your destiny was written. I remember being laid off my job and really asking does all things work out for the good to those who Love the Lord and called according to His purpose.  Struggle after struggle, lost my house, barely able to pay my bills, no gas money, and every door closed in my faced. Yet, through it all I can say that I published & released a book, entitled "How did I Get Here?" I have also been blessed with the gifting to write, speak, and encourage people from all walks of life.  I am fulfilling my purpose and taking a hold of my destiny! I have a question what do you have to lose?  Go for it! Most of the time people don't move forward because of fear.  Fear stands for "False Evidence that Appears Real" Fear has no power unless you partner with the lie that is feeds you; then you find yourself living a life characterized by a lie.  There are also many people who never move out because of the resources, but my encouragement to you is start using what you already have. What has God placed in you? He didn't create you just to waste you!  When I produced my book all I had was a vision, faith, and anointed friend.  God used what my friend and I already had which were our writings.  The cover of the book was done long before the thought of a book even existed. It was a photograph that came from a photo shoot, which a friend of mine did for free.  The first one hundred copies of the book once completed were purchased by a Christian catalog company that was going into the prisons. They paid for the books in advance so the books paid for themselves.  Look, there comes a time that our excuses simply have to die.  Some may say what if it doesn't work. Well, remember Failure is an event not a person.  You get up, start over, and keep it moving; living life with no regrets of what could have been.  If you are walking in Faith you can't help but come to the destination of fulfillment. The sad reality is that so many will and have missed out because they stopped walking because they no longer believed. It seemed impossible to reach the end of the rainbow, but up till this day, when I see a rainbow in the sky the little girl in is still curious; with excitement she still is questioning, "What it?" It's time to believe! Every milestone in my life, such as the release of my new book is leading me towards my Destiny. So don't despise small beginnings and be a good steward over the opportunities that will lead to your destiny. You will know when you reach your destiny- it's like following the colorful trail of gum drops that leads to the gingerbread house- What a sight! It's undeniable! Faith, Courage, and Wisdom is a Powerful Force to keep you moving ahead! So much more to say but for now- Be Ye Encouraged.
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Being OK with who you are and taking care of yourself is an important Ministry!

My mother use to say, if you can't take care of yourself, you will not be able to take care of anybody else. 

There was a time in my life that I was so busy running around, "just doing". I was so busy doing that I didn't realize I wasn't really accomplishing anything. My work was getting completed, my ministry was maintaining, my family looked good, my goal quota was impressive, money was decent, needs were met, and in the natural my wick had the appearance of being lit, yet my candle was not burning. It was the difference between just existing and really living. 
What was and is the problem? The problem often occurs when we begin to compare ourselves among ourselves. We are constantly asking am I on the right track & succeeding? We begin to look at where our co-workers, friends, or family may be in their lives compares to ours. We allow people to become our measuring scale. Then we find ourselves competing in a race that we are destined to lose, and even if we succeed; we still lose because we ran a race that was not designed for us, and taking home a prize of no real value. If we are not comparing ourselves to people many times we find ourselves looking to things to affirm our sense of self-worth and become our fuel for living. 
We are constantly looking out and never in to find validation, which leads us to nothing but hopelessness. The creator is the only one who can validate His creation. We find ourselves unconsciously doing what other people feel we should do or must do to succeed; jumping through unnecessary hoops, walking the crooked line, spreading ourselves so thin trying to be a part of everything, hoping to bump into success along the way. Gaining happiness with no Joy! What's the difference? I'm so glad you asked- Happiness is: temporal, unpredictable, unreliable, and conditional. Do you remember purchasing that first home? How about going on that first date? Or getting that first promotion? Do you remember how happy you were until you lost that house, until that first date turned into months of regret, and that promotion was not worth the opposition you had to face. But joy comes from a deep place within; it's that secret place you can go to at any given time to find peace that surpassing all understanding. It's that place that makes you smile even though everything around you is saying "Depression"; it's the place where joy springs forth after weeping all night! Joy is internal! You know that old song," This joy I have the world didn't give it to me, Oh this joy I have the world didn't give it me, the world didn't give it so the world can't take it away."  That's right Joy comes from the Lord and it's your new birthright as a child of God.  You can be disappointed when things happen or don't happen but you can still choose to be Joyful. There are so many people walking around with a smile on their face but the spirit of depression is consuming their soul. They don't know who or who's they are. 
You might say what does all this have to do with taking care of self? So many people are living chaotic lives because they haven't found Joy because they are looking for happiness. They haven't found peace because they haven't found themselves. Trying to find validation in our families, ministry, gifts & talents, skills, educational accomplishments, money, careers, relationship status, and I can go on. Now all these benefits are of some importance, but the danger is when we try to make these things the main source of our validation and joy. There are so many people killing themselves physically as well as mentally trying to feel complete in people and things, but you will be chasing after validation for the rest of your life if you don't stop to look to the creator and find it from within. No amount of success, money, accomplishments, education, relationship, etc will ever satisfy that need to be secured in who you are. With every passing day the emptiness of your soul continues to cry out "I need more."  It will never be satisfied until you are courageous enough to say, "No More" and really mean it. It's harder than you think if you don't know who you really are. The more you get the less you feel, the more you get the further away from peace, joy, and balance in life you find yourself, yet you must believe and choose your birthright.
I remember one particular time in my life; many years ago, I found my validation in being a good church going Christian. I was so faithful; attending every church meeting, conference, and training. Whatever needed done I stepped up. I was in the choir, helped with the youth and women's ministry, and worked the tape ministry.  On the outside it looked as if I was a great committed Christian; growing in the Lord, being used by the Lord, and on fire for Him. Not only that if any body in my family needed me I was there, when my friends needed me to do anything I was there! My good Christian appearance was so noticeable from afar but if you got up close it was so evident that something was wrong; the wick was lit but the candle was not burning.  My family was getting tired of being at church three times a week and all day on Sunday; my husband and I were exhausted, trying to keep up with work, our home, our children, our marriage, our time, and my ministry. I was frustrated, stressed, tired, but still living up to every ones expectation of what I should be doing and what I needed to do- nothing was lacking but my sanity! I was even becoming resentful when I felt that no one appreciated all that I chose to do or when people didn't live up to my expectation of what I thought they should be doing with me or for me. I was happy with the temporary satisfaction of feeling accomplished, gifted, and valuable, but had no real joy, because there was falsehood lurking around my identity and that flame on my wick began to quickly burn out. We are steady striving, and most times it's to be good and please God. Faith is what Pleases God ! I heard Bill Johnson say, " If you are still striving to be good before the father, than you really do not understand the work of the cross!" 
My journey to freedom is too long to write but I will say that I learned loving yourself, liking yourself, knowing yourself, accepting yourself, and taking care of self is an important part of ministry- it is your ministry. I had to learn that who I am is not dependent on what I'm doing or not doing, it's not dependent on how other people see me. It is dependent on me being me! It's hard learning how to just be! I've come a long way! I still love to serve but it's no longer out of obligation, guilt, or the need of validation.  It's not who I am but what I love to do. I'm OK with saying "No" if it's too much. I'm OK with saying I'm going to take a break from everything. I'm learning to tell the devil to shut the hell up when he tries to tell me that I'm not doing enough and I need to do more, when he tries to tell me everybody else is further than me; more successful than me when the truth is no one knows but God where I'm suppose to be, and my success is not defined by where everyone else is, but by where God wants me. I'm living in Him! I don't have to "Do" in order to Be! I am who I am!  Now let me clarify one thing - I'm not saying be lazy and have an nonchalant attitude towards people about your life.  This is what I am saying if you've been running, if you are always worried about what people would think or say if you are not doing what they think you should be doing,  if you are one always trying to do because you need to be validated, if you are always taking care of everything and everybody because you are trying to find temporary satisfaction of being needed and important in life, and if you are constantly driven by telling people what you are doing so they can see you- most likely you are in an unhealthy place. 
Jesus knew this ... .that's why you will see in the gospels that he was always taking time to get away and spend time with the father, to meditate on His Father's goodness, He took time to hear and see what the father wanted Him to do, not what man expected him to do. He enjoyed His ministry. He spent time with kids, attended wedding banquet, fellow shipped with people different from Him no matter how people looked at Him because He knew who He was. There was hardship but there was Joy being the son of a King. That is the greatest benefit we could ever receive!
We also know the story of Mary and Martha, if you haven't read it, go to Luke 10:38-42.  We see two sisters who are both in my opinion amazing women, but Martha is not ok with her sister resting at the feet of Jesus while she is working! She is frustrated and has no Joy in her chose to serve. From afar it would appear that Martha is doing what is expected. Her wick is lit, but her candle is not burning. She is working and trying to make sure everything is in order, yet she is resentful towards her sister for not helping. I love this story because it teaches us that we all have the great freedom to choose. Our choices will be different from others because we are different and we are all at different stages in our lives, but we must be OK with our own choices. We can't be mad if someone chooses something different from us and God is pleased with their chose even if it seems that we are working harder in the same area's of ministry, goals, gifts, etc. Something is very wrong when we feel like we know what God is pleased with. No one knows the mind of God and the bible tells us again, Faith is what pleases God. Faith that no matter what God loves you! You are the apple of His eye. Faith in knowing that He doesn't compare you with anyone else. When He looks at you He sees himself! You were created in His image and likeness the only time God is grieved when He looks at you and He sees someone one else. You are His original masterpiece so just be and you will succeed in every area of you life because in your mother's womb He wrote out the plan for you - all you have to do is rest at His feet so you can hear His voice and follow. 

I also love this story because it reminds me if I am doing from a place of love and humble servant hood, and it's who I am and what I love to do, and not trying to be noticed and validated by works then I should not be frustrated. Martha was comparing herself to someone else. She could have chosen to sit down and rest at Jesus feet too and allowed the extra stuff that needed to be done to wait. Jesus reminded her that she was very anxious and troubled about many things but the thing that she needed to be concerned with, Mary chose it and it wouldn't be taken from her. Mary chose Jesus (relationship) over Works. 
I remember  taking my Nissan truck to three different shops trying to save money by not taking it directly to its dealer because usually they are more expensive and I did not want to pay the cost even though I knew they would know exactly what's wrong and could fix it. I'm laughing right now because none of the shops could fix it, and I ended up at the Nissan dealership. Sooner or later you have to go back to the creator anyway! Whatever is standing in your way of being totally at peace with yourself be courageous enough to take it to God; ask him to remove it, fix it, heal it, restore it, or whatever it is that you need.  Take care of yourself not just your physical appearance but your spiritual and mental state as well.  
Take care of yourself first before you try to be God's hands to take care of others. If you are in an unhealthy place in your life - like a virus …it can spread to everything and everyone connected to you. Stop looking out and start looking within. You are important and God is saying, " Stop being so busy, so anxious, so caught up with the things in this world, and just take a moment to lay at my feet! I am the well that will never run dry. Everything you need you can find in me." 

There is a great book, by my spiritual father Brent Lockker called "Daddy, You Love me" - Order your book today and find out just how loved you are by your daddy!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

"2013" Are you ready to take the journey from your mind to your heart?

"2013" The Journey from your mind to your heart!
Yes we made it! Man has it been a year.. I want you to take a moment and just let it out! Yes breathe.
God has been speaking to me this year about the journey. Not your ordinary journey but the journey from your mind to your heart.   Yes our mind has kept many of us stuck for far too long, it keeps us in bondage to what has already happened, it keeps us holding on to the what if's.  I have said it before and I would say it again the word "If" can often stand for "Individual failure"-   Lets move away from the "If" and move into this New Year with the "I can" and "I will".
 2012 has been a tuff yet amazing year for me but the reality is- it's over!  I can't live there unless I make a conscious chose to stay stuck in the past!  Now what I choose to do is allow the negative be the force to thrust me into my new year with much determination and allow the positive to take me higher than I ever been before!  I learned to take the journey from my mind to my heart. Do you know your mind can play tricks on you? It is the enemy's strongest weapon against us many times. This is the place he plants lies, fears, doubts, and it is the place you hear his voice the most! He sneaks into our mind and plants thoughts that do not belong to us! Your mind will replay all your failures but your heart will show you new possibilities, your mind will say no while your heart is screaming out "yes". Your mind will have you living someone else's dreams but your heart will reveal your true passions.
2013 is a year to follow your heart!  What does your heart desire to do but your mind said it's impossible? With God nothing is impossible and He can give you the desires of your heart if you trust Him and simply believe.  2013 is a year of freedom!  Remember when you first fell in love with that boy or girl when you were younger? No matter what anyone said you were determined to be with him or her at all cost! You didn't care what people thought, you were in Love! You would pass notes in class even though it was a chance that you could get caught, you would save your little allowance to buy the perfect gift, you would spend hours picking out the perfect outfit and doing your hair for when you saw them, you couldn't wait to after school to hold their hands, and you would stay up all night just thinking about them. You didn't hold back how you felt to anyone...you wanted to shout it out to the world  "I'm in love" - Well it's time to fall in love again but this time with yourself and your dreams! What are you willing to do to make your dreams come true? Are you ready to shout it out to the world no matter who is listening and do whatever it takes to fulfill your dreams and walk in your purpose without fear and doubt holding you back! Yes it's time to find that child like faith within and get ready to walk on water in 2013! Yes do something you have never done before.  Take that journey from your head to your heart.  It's time out for just thinking about it! It's time to take a chance. What do you have to lose? You took the chance on that crush, didn't you? I know I did and even though my first crush didn't last long I never regretted it. I went for it and yes I held hands with the boy of my childhood dreams, yes I wrote that love note, yes I wore that cute, short, blue jean skirt with my white shirt that tied on the side, yes I stayed up all night thinking and dreaming about him even though I had to get up for school the next morning, and yes I shouted to everyone that I was in love.
 You might say I'm crazy but I wanted to use something we all can relate to and yes it does take us to go back to when our heart overruled our minds.  I was fearless as a child! I had so much fun and I went after what I wanted but somewhere in my life I took an unexpected and unplanned journey from my heart to my mind and got stuck! I lived in that place far too long.  I was trapped by doubt, surrounded by the opinions of others, limited by resources, and held back by fear.  I finally found the courage and the one (God) who could get me back to the place where I desire to live from which is my heart. What's so awesome is I now possess the wisdom to live from this place.  Meaning I'm not foolish in going after my dreams, walking in my purpose, and living the life I so desire! 
Live with no regrets! Learn from every new experience. I watched a movie, " The odd life of Timothy Green" in the movie the parents are asked by the adoption agency who are determining will they be suitable parents again, what would they do different if they are given a second chance to be parents. They responded by saying they would make new and different mistakes.  That was a powerful and truthful statement!  With every new experience or we can say New Year there will be new mistakes. That's some of the wisdom that I learned that allows me live successfully from my heart.  We learn from our mistakes. We learn what works and what doesn't! I heard a very true story about this man who had a dream to own and build his own vineyard.  I heard how people thought he was crazy after he kept trying even after going bankrupt but guess what he now owns one of the second largest vineyards in a small town located in California.  He chose to live from his heart!  I can go on and on… but what I'm saying is embrace this New Year.  The key word is New- the first start of something that hasn't been done yet. You get to create what your year looks like. Search your heart and ask God to give you the wisdom on how to follow your dreams and walk in your purpose.  Remember that old quote, "work like you don't need the money, love like you never been hurt before, and dance freely like nobody is watching!"  I will add to that quote and say, "Live from your heart like there is no tomorrow"
When you follow your heart you will be amazed what you find , the passion that lies within, the creative ability you possess, and courage you will have to go beyond what your mind could every comprehend.  Leave the past of your mind and embrace the heart of your present! 
Happy New Year and as always Be Ye Encouraged.
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"