Saturday, June 23, 2012

The only Sign you need today is His Love

Often times we tend to look for signs as proof to things that we are expecting or believing but I want you to know we don't follow the signs of what if, the signs of disappointments, the signs of maybe, or the signs that the world tries to sink into our very beings that they are the proof of truth. The only sign that is sure is God's Love! It flows from within, it strengthens from within, it speaks from within, it guides from within, it encourages from within, it keeps us from within, it speaks to us from within, it transforms us from within, and it always affirms from the inside out!  That's the only proof we need. It is that proof alone in which we exist. So today walk in the assurance of His Love and allow it to discredit everything that is contrary to His very essence which is Love!
If you don't know the depth of His Love for you simply ask Him.
Be Ye Encouraged today!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Steadfast, Unmovable, Always abiding in His Perfect Will by Tiffany James

I know for many it seems like the weight is getting too heavy to continue on but remember His Yoke is easy and His burden is light. We tend to forget we can't carry the cares of this world on our own. We are not to be independent in our Faith but totally dependent on our Father. In this season things seem like they are closing in on us but really it's forcing us to move out on Faith.  A situation happened with me and my family recently concerning finances and I could tell that it was weighing heavy on my husband. As he left to take my daughter up the street I walked him outside and I tried to encourage him. As I was standing outside there was a peace that really does surpass all understanding that came over me.  The Lord began to speak to me after that. I felt Him saying " We give money too much power" We tend to think money has the final say but it doesn't. The earth and everything in it has to yield itself to the creator.
The scripture money answers all things is often taken out of context.  
Money, in the context of this passage, is the Hebrew word keceph, meaning silver from it's pale color, money or price.
Price.  It speaks of value and worth and induces consideration.
So, could we then interpret Ecclesiastes 10:19 like this?  "There is a price for all things."
There is a price for all things but God has the final say for everything. He is the owner of all things.  Money will not dictate what God is going to do in our lives. God has a mandate & a promise for each of our lives.  I know it seems like the promises that we've tarried for looks as if it's never going to come to pass and it even seems like the promises that has finally come into our reach now looks like it's on the altar to be sacrificed but just like Abraham God wants to know, will you give back what is His if He ask?  It's His promise! Abraham knew it didn't matter how long he waited, how much he himself sacrificed, it didn't matter what he sowed, it didn't even matter that he had tried to do everything God asked of him, what mattered was he knew His promise really belonged to the Lord and He trusted God to take care what is His. We are just stewards! So the question is have you been a good steward of what God has entrusted you with?
I want to encourage those who feel like they don't know what to do. I don't know all what God is doing but I do know in this season do not question His love for you, do not question what He is going to do and how He chooses to do it.  God is looking for for the Abraham's  of today. Don't try to figure out how it's going to happen just trust God and keep moving forward No turning Back! Don't question if you made wrong decisions or did you hear God at all. The enemy tries to have us go back and forth because he knows a double minded man is unstable and will not hold on to the word of God and can not expect to receive anything from God because He simply doesn't believe.  There was a season not to long ago that I was going back and forth because our circumstance's looked so bleak. Loosing our home, my hubby not getting into career he labored for,  time when it seemed like every door of opportunity closed, and there was even one point on time we had just enough food, bank accounts over drawn barely couldn't pay tithes because there wasn't any money.  I began to question did I do something wrong, have I not did enough God, was I disobedient, started going over every decision I made, I started trying to do more to earn His favor as if I could ever do enough? before I knew it I had no peace and I was caught up with thoughts that were not my own and couldn't hear God.  But I can write you and tell you GOD IS FAITHFUL. I have seen His hand print in places that I never even knew He was working. I know He loves me and its nothing I can do to make Him love me any less and there is nothing I can do more of to make Him Love me more because He loved me unconditionally before the foundation of this world.  I will no longer partner with lies, fears, guilt, worry, etc.  I choose to walk in what I know and that is GOD is the same GOD yesterday, today, and forever more. I don't know what He is doing, I don't know why it's happening, I don't know why the provision is not coming like it use to in our circumstances and our individual lives, I dont know why it seems like God is quiet at times, I don't know why it seems like the promises look bleak but I do know GOD will meet every need and fulfill every promise. I know He is doing something big that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind can even comprehend but my Spirit can bare witness!  It's ok to cry out to Him because in our weakness He is made strong.   As a parent you know you will do anything for your children....if you are doing something they don't understand but you tell them you will take care of everything ... don't worry about anything. You would want your kids to trust the mom or dad in you. Can you trust your heavenly father?  Be careful who speaks into your atmosphere.. You need people who are going to speak truth, stand on God's word, and intercede! Seeking His Will !   We want God to do miracles but we keep looking for the ways our minds can comprehend for Him to show up! We hold His hands back from doing what He desires.  It seems like I myself have been in the wilderness for a long time but I'm coming out and into my promise. I will not forfeit my Blessings in the desert.
I will continue to intercede and I know GOD will show up and show out! I don't know how I just know He can and He will !!! So be free to minister and pour out His Love out everywhere you go in confidence. At the end of the day it always comes back to His Love!  We might not have happiness 24 hours a day because happiness stems from the things we are blessed with in this world but We do have JOY because it comes from deep within. That place that only God can reach and assure all is Well ! It's JOY that I can send this email, It's joy that I can still give and encourage people when my situation might look just as bad ! It's a joy that says the GOD I serve is Faithful and HE LOVES ME ! When I mess up He loves me, When I'm not sure what's going HE LOVES ME. That's why I can still minister HIS LOVE because it will never FAIL ! I feel like crying, shouting, laying hands,  laying out ! Man in times like this new opportunities to see GOD comes forth before I very eyes.  When you get desperate and hungry for GOD ....You do things that you have been fearful to do before because now it's a must! Lets ask GOD what do He want!  Our ways are not His ways and our thoughts are not His either! 
We are testimonies to the GOODNESS OF GOD! We don't serve a little GOD. So lets stop telling GOD how big our problems are and start telling our problems how Big our GOD IS!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"