Tuesday, December 31, 2013

2014 - It's time for the Idols to come down & the truth of GOD to rise up!

You know every year I post a word to encourage and prepare for the next year. The last few days I've been before the Lord not to get a word, but just to be in His presence.  There was something different about my time with Him because in seeking Him and just desiring to be in His presence, feel His touch, seek His face, Love on Him and be loved by Him- He gave me a word.  Now, I'm not saying this word is for everyone but I believe it's for someone.
If you've been in church long enough or even lived long enough there are beliefs that you pick up and began to shape your life around those beliefs.  If you grew up in church or not, you still have some sort of philosophy that you live by based off what you've learned from your experiences.   One day after spending time with God, I grabbed a pen and this is what came to my spirit, "Religion makes you reluctant to the Holy Spirit." Now this shocked me because I cringe at the spirit of religion, but without questioning God I immediately wrote down, "Remove the residue of religion and impart in me the revelation of relationship with you."   One simple definition of religion:  is a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects. 
I began to ask the Lord to remove any personal religion (set of beliefs) that I've created or picked up that others have also believed and now it's keeping me from experiencing the fullness of relationship with Him.  Now I'm going to let that meditate for a minute before I release the word of encouragement for 2014. 
I recently heard this minister say, "The you that you know is the not the you that GOD knows." This is a powerful statement because many times we can't see what God sees because of religion (set of beliefs that we've come to live by) about ourselves. I'm making it personal because we box religion into the four walls of the church and we don't even realize it has crossed over into personal walk with GOD.  When we are disappointed, betrayed, hurt, feel like a failure, confused, afflicted, judged, etc….we often go back to an image of ourselves that is contrary to what GOD spoke over us in our mother's womb. Yes, we can find ourselves turning to a set of beliefs that does not line up with the word or character of GOD.  See we were created in the image and likeness of GOD, many of us still don't have a clue of who we are because we don't have a clue of who GOD is; the image is distorted.  It's time for the idols to come down! It's time to tear down the false religious beliefs we put on ourselves or others have put on us about who God really is and who we really are in Him.
During my honeymoon stage of saying "yes" to the Lord you couldn't tell me anything. I was chosen, accepted, and loved, but as time went on I forgot the power of being chosen, accepted, and loved by GOD.  My "yes" to Him was enough seventeen years ago, so why shouldn't it be enough now!  What did I forget about that moment or the moments leading up to my Yes?  What lies, false set of beliefs have I picked up or created along the way that is keeping from experiencing heaven here on earth with the lover of my soul? It's a little insane if you think of it because when God found me I was a fornicator, liar, a thief, fearful, had low self-worth, and I was totally lost, yet He deemed me worthy.  He chose, accepted, and loved me with no questions asked. He didn't go over my past, He didn't say you have to do this or that first, He didn't even try to fix or clean me up first- He just said, "I sent my son to die for you, and I love you so much."  All I had to do was believe and say Yes to His invitation.  It sounds so simple almost too simple, yet, the insane part of the story is as our relationship grew and as I looked to others in regards to my relationship with Him something changed. I started to feel unworthy, I started to feel like I had to be perfect, I started to feel that my mistakes disqualified me from the love I had already freely received, I started to work to prove to God that I was worthy to be called His when He chose me in my pit of fornication, lies, fear, etc.  I felt like I had to perform so others could see why GOD once chose me.  Then I was reminded of Galatians 5:7- "You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth?"  Somewhere along the way my "yes" got misplaced.  I said "yes" to an everlasting relationship with my Abba Father, I said "yes" to spread the good news of the Gospel that I myself had experienced. My "yes" was to His will not my own, my "yes" was to Jesus not to man, my "yes" was to walk by faith not by sight,  my "yes" was to His Spirit not my flesh, my "yes" was to His word not my dead works, to His power not my own strength, to His promise not my past.
 I sent out a post not too long ago about not looking back but looking up! Anything you need to remember or see GOD can show you from a heavenly perceptive.  What images of yourself, your ministry, your circumstances, your marriage, your finances, and even your "yes" that you keep looking to, to define the promises of GOD, to define your identity in GOD, or may I dare to say how you've defined GOD.  It's time for the false idols to come down. GOD wants to destroy every false belief that you've accepted as Truth! We can make decrees and declarations, write down the plans for 2014, we can bring the new year in the church, but if we keep looking at our past, keep listening to the wisdom of man (please don't get me wrong, I honor divine wisdom and respect the men and women who God uses to speak into our lives; I am a woman of GOD) but if we chose any voice above GOD'S voice or above His word- we will remain hindered. If we don't see ourselves through the eyes of Christ, we will be hindered yet again. If we don't learn to seek a relationship with GOD just to have a relationship with Him then we will be hindered-too many people are straying away from truth and if we are not careful we will become like Simon the sorcerer in Acts 8: 9-24, who we know believed and was even baptized, but only desired for himself a platform and power of the Holy Spirit, not a relationship or to see God's people set free.  Seek the Lord with your whole heart and walk in His truth in 2014!  You were created in His image and likeness alone.  It's never too late I don't care what year it is; as long as you have breathe there is still hope. My best friend Gina Dacus ministered a powerful word of encouragement that stirred something in me. She spoke about the thief on the cross. I began to think about this man who was called a thief, who was naked; fully exposed, who was ridiculed, abandoned, and was being crucified, but in his last moments; he believed and with his last breath; he asked Jesus to remember him. We know by scripture that Jesus in his last moments declared it wasn't too late for this thief. That's the true Love of Christ any other belief has to come down!  People get scared by this word because we don't want people to continue to sin, but when we say "yes " and accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior, we are no longer captives to sin.  This message is for the mature.  In 2014 it's time to seek the Lord.  Seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you! Make sure you know what you are seeking in "2014" - when the false idols come down, the truth of GOD will rise up and we will see the Glory of GOD in the earth realm!
Be Ye encouraged and Empowered. Happy New Year to each of you! 
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"