Thanksgiving is a day that is recognized globally as a reminder to be grateful and thankful in life, but lets try to make everyday thanksgiving. Lets wake up and be thankful for life. It has been an amazing morning, I woke up early with a sense of excitement. Excitement for what God is doing, going to do, and have already done! I felt that the Lord was saying, "don't look back." The scripture tells us to fix our eyes on the things above and not on earthly things, why? Because God knew that there would be times when what we see in the natural can bring discouragement, confusion, anxiousness, and even hopelessness. He wanted us to be reminded that we are spiritual beings having an earthly experience. We are connected to two realms, we get to walk on earth while being connected to Him in heaven. WOW!!! I know we all know this but sometimes the scriptures have to really be our bread of life and we must really take time to digest what GOD is actually saying and know that He means every word. It can't be words that just gives us encouragement, but His word has to be the very fuel that stirs our spirit and causes us to rise up to the status of royalty in the Kingdom of GOD. The uncomfortable part is living with what you see in the spirit and what you see and have around you. A powerful woman of God, Rachel Hickson stated, "living in the contradiction between your reality and your vision takes courage and faith, but we need to learn how to hold on in spite of the tension during the season of change." Yes, it takes courage to push through the transition time of uncertainty. It's been said that facts last for a day, but truth is for a lifetime. What is the facts trying to say to you today? Maybe the facts are trying to say your bank account balance is low, but the truth is that God will make a way out of no way and He will supply every need. The facts might give you a negative medical report, but the truth states that by His stripes you are healed. The facts might show that your kids are going wayward, but the truth states that the fruit of your womb is blessed and if you train up a child in the ways of the Lord, even if they stray they will return. The facts may say that nothing is working right now in your life, but the truth states that God knows the plans He has for you and they are to prosper you not to harm you, but to give you a hope and future. I can go on, but you get my point. God's truth overrules the worlds facts any and every day! During these times we are also being stretched and it doesn't always feel good, but we all know stretching is good, especially before you begin to run or workout. Man, that's a whole other blog because stretching increases blood flow to your muscles, which is important because it increases mobility and prevents your muscles from tiring too soon. Wow, we need to be stretched in our walk it allows us to continue to flow freely in the things of God without giving up. Anyway I just want to encourage you to look ahead! Don't look back at the old; God is doing a new thing, do you not perceive it? We must look ahead to the promises of GOD. Run towards them, not in anxiousness but with courage and confidence that it shall come to pass. Look ahead with a grateful heart that you are still here and that the facts does not dictate the truth of who your Father is!!! He is GOD, He is the great I Am, He is your Abba Papa, He is your Provider, He is your Strength, He is your way maker, He is your friend, He is your peace, He is your Strong Tower, He is your Lily in the Valley, He is your Hope, He is a mother to the motherless, He is your Bridegroom, He is your Deliverer, He is your Healer, He is the Beginning and the End, and guess what everything in between. He is your courage, He is your TRUTH!!!! He is ever lasting!
A long time ago God gave me a piece concerning the what, the why, the who, and the how of change. Often times we get stuck on the what, the why, and how of change! These factors are important, but irrelevant when you think about the WHO. I challenge you to fix your eyes on the WHO! The WHO is GOD! He will complete everything He started in and for you. Praise God, We must look ahead and know the WHO on the inside of us. This should bring you JOY! This truth is huge!!! It's been said before that we should look back at what GOD has done, but we need to start looking up! He can show us everything He has done from a heavenly perspective. Sometimes looking back causes us to get stuck in yesterday; we focus on what didn't work, what we didn't or did do, what was suppose to happen, looking back can cause us to expect God to show up in the same way as before, and we can even look back and think that God has already done a lot and we shouldn't expect more... the devil is a liar. He came to give you life and life more abundantly. He has more love, joy, peace, and goodness in store for you! Look ahead !!! Look Ahead. Rejoice!!! He is doing a New Thing!
Be Grateful, Thankful, and Look Ahead.
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
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"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"