Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"It's good to have a little reminder" - Hi my's been a minute

"It's good to have a little reminder"
"I'm in school and it's killing me," was my response when I was asked how I was doing.   It was at this moment that I was reminded of the power of my words.  The person who I was speaking to called me on it and then told me how their church was fasting forty days from stinking thinking.  Yes, forty days of staying away from negative words that comes from negative thinking. We often fast in different ways and for different reasons- Denying something physical to glorify God and go deeper with Him in the Spirit. Most times we push our plates back, get into our prayer closet and in our word, and seek the Lord.  We fast physical things to go deeper with God, we come out hearing, but not really believing. We still have old mindsets-that old stinking thinking! We long to gain clarity from God during a time of fasting, but if we don't trust what the Lord is speaking then we find ourselves circling the same mountain. When He speaks whether it's him giving us direction or correction, we need to walk it out. We should be coming out of our prayer closets with our minds renewed, declaring those things we heard in the secret place over our lives. Instead of circling the mountain, we should be removing it! It doesn't matter about the reality of our situation because God desires that we call those things that be not, as though they were. We need to fix our eyes on things above, not only earthly things. We need to see what God is doing/speaking in Heaven and partner with Him.  
We have to remember that so as a man thinketh, so is He! What are you thinking about yourself, your job/career, ministry, finances, family, marriage, school, and the list can go on.....! Does your thinking line up with God's word?  We also have to remember that life and death is in the power of the tongue. What are you choosing to speak over your situation? Are you speaking life over hopeless or maybe even dead situations? Are you speaking death to those things that need to die in your life? God has not only given you the power but also the authority to do so.
Now that I have you thinking….we must also remember that out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. What's really in your heart? What's really going on? Yes it's time to go deep. We've been treading the surface of issues for far too long. Stinking thinking and heart issues are sure signals that it's healing time. It's healing time! Yes It's Healing time! We can't shout over our issues, we can't dance them out, we can't preach them out, or even fast them out!  All of these things are huge, but will be ineffective in the long run if we don't get healed!  They will be temporary fixes and yep we will be around that moment again.
It's Healing Time! It's time for us to go deep with the Lord. It's time to get naked before him. Allowing the Holy Spirit who is the greatest surgeon who ever lived to do the work in us, but we must show up and yield ourselves to whatever He desires -even being ok with the recovery time.
This started off with something very small, but it served as a reminder to me how easy it is to fall back into speaking negative. For me, it was also a check in my spirit because I realized that my statement was not the only comment that was so contrary from how I normally speak. I realized that when people were asking me how I was doing, my response was "I'm tired, I'm exhausted, I'm tired of school, school is getting on my nerve, I'm tired of cleaning this house, I can't stand this or that"  Can you hear the sirens?  This was how I was truly feeling, but it was also an indication that something was going on. First off I wasn't resting, I wasn't balancing my time, I was overwhelmed because I didn't know how to say "no" to some things.  Now the good news is that I am not powerless. I've been changing my confessions and I've been changing my habits. I feel great! Again this is small, but no matter the situation we must pay attention to our indicators! I didn't need any deep healing from this (lol), but there have been things in my life that the indicators were sounding "It's Healing Time" and yes a sista had spiritual surgery!  God is so….. Yes I still haven't found a word to describe Him! I can say that He is truly my everything!
I was reminded of a few things so thought I would share.
Be Ye Encouraged!   
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"