There is a time in our lives that we have to really examine or re-examine ourselves. It's OK to ask ourselves some questions? In recent days my heart has become quite sadden by the things I have seen in this world but even more sadden by the things that is going on with the body of Christ. The enemy has tried to discredit God in this season while so many of us have complicated our walk with God.
It’s funny because people are still trying to get delivered from the world but really need to be delivered from religion, man, traditions, and maybe even self. Mark 7: 8 - You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men”
It’s time for us to really examine the motive behind our ministry. It’s time for us to examine or re-examine to see if we are seeking the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Self.
When things that we do for God is not received or if we preach a message that people don't like are we sad that people rejected God or is that they didn't receive us that really bothers us? Do we care more about how we speak or preach than what we preach?
Are we trying to convince people who we are or who God is?
Do you ask God for direction but move before He answers? Then do we lead and tell God to follow? Trying to do things that satisfies our need to be affirmed finding our hands doing things he didn't call us to. There is a difference between a good idea and a God idea. So many times we change the very thing about ourselves that will bring God fame to build up our own name. It has never been about works!
Are we constantly opening the front door of our sight only seeing the faults, failures, and issues of others while our unseen yet present issues are scratching at the back door of our souls begging for us to open up so they can get the attention and healing they deserve? How long will we pretend that the sound of destruction knocking at our own door is just the wind? So how long will we sit in the discomfort of our home and act like nothing in our lives is wrong instead of crying out to God and allowing Him to clean house and take total control?
Are we any different from the world? They thirst for fortune and fame but yet many of us search for power, titles, and a big name. There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful in life but too many people have gained success but didn't have the character to keep it. Did you know you can gain success and still be incomplete? We increase when the knowing of who He is in us increases. The best part of you is Him!
Are we really happy when we see our sisters and brothers prospering? Or do we in the back of our mind began to resent them asking when is it my time?
Do you we value each other talents and gifts or is it only when we need them?
Are we constantly searching for a new revelation because the one we received is not the one we want?
Is our faith only strong when things are going right? and when we are in our wilderness experience and can't see or hear God do we become double-minded about His Promises and the things He spoke to us?
Do you hold back when it comes to your talents and gifts because you care about what others may think of you? Do you know when you don't know who you are it's easy for others to define you? Be free of fear, opinions, and intimidation. You were not created to look or be like anyone else. You are unique! Give the world what God has given you ! Be Free to be you- Fearfully and Wonderfully made!
Is our faith only strong when things are going right? and when we are in our wilderness experience and can't see or hear God do we become double-minded about His Promises and the things He spoke to us?
Do you hold back when it comes to your talents and gifts because you care about what others may think of you? Do you know when you don't know who you are it's easy for others to define you? Be free of fear, opinions, and intimidation. You were not created to look or be like anyone else. You are unique! Give the world what God has given you ! Be Free to be you- Fearfully and Wonderfully made!
When we hear of tragedies such as the movie massacre do we fall on our faces and cry out to God?, do we take a moment to grieve for the lives lost and their love ones?, do we take time to even intercede or do we go through out our day worried about self as if God’s Spirit is not grieved?
We are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God! The Kingdom of God is in us, what are we revealing to others about the kingdom? Are we representing what the Kingdom looks like well?
We are authorized messengers sent out to spread the good news, what message have you given to the lost lately? Is it that God sent His only begotten son for them? Is it that God loves them? Is it that there is someone who understands? Is it that they can become a new creation in Christ? Is it that there is someone who will never leave or forsake them? Is it they don’t have to die in their sins, that there is no condemnation in Christ? Or are we too busy trying to become great theologians; becoming great in our own eyes while rejecting the very message of God’s son? Are we too busy trying to show people we can break down His word instead of building up His Kingdom?
We can’t guilt people to change but it’s through His Loving Kindness that will lead one to repentance.
Do we try to control people, situations, and circumstances? I say let go because where there is control there is fear. His Perfect love cast out all fear so lets ask God to entangle us in His Love until we can’t escape. Let go of striving it will not get us any further. I realized we no longer have to strive because remember the best part of us is Him!
There is an old saying.. You can’t continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome! Did you know you can't and won't fix anything if you don't realize it's not working. Acknowledgment is a powerful beginning. It does not make you feel any less. It will not upset or judge you but it matures you!
So if you didn't like some of your answers I say that's a good thing because that mean change can come. So give it to God... you can't change by yourself, you need him because apart from Him you can do nothing. Ask Him to make you over! Sometimes it's so hard starting from scratch but later down the line we find ourselves so grateful that we did! Let’s ask God to tuck us away even if it’s for a day. Our mind, body, and souls needs to rest, we need no distractions, what we need to just be one with Him.
If your walk is on track with God I say Glory !!!! Continue to be a living example so the world can see what the Kingdom of God is suppose to look like and so those who are lost can find a place where they truly belong.
If your walk is on track with God I say Glory !!!! Continue to be a living example so the world can see what the Kingdom of God is suppose to look like and so those who are lost can find a place where they truly belong.
We are one body! So I am writing to encourage you because I too am in a place that I want more of Him and less of me! (Remember the answers lies within the questions you dare to ask)
Be Blessed :)