Tuesday, December 11, 2012

"2013" Don't enter the same way you exited...

Back of the Book Excerpt: Life is a journey……. We spend most our life trying to get to a destination that we have never seen before, but we know exist. Our daily life experiences help us realize that the path we travel is not always clear and as a result, many of us become lost. Those sometimes seemingly small decisions can cost us years of back pedaling if we are not careful. We turn left instead of right. We go up instead of down. We say yes instead of no. While there is nothing wrong with getting lost (It happens to the best of us), the problem occurs when we refuse to admit it. Pride, ignorance, fear, shame, and even discouragement can cause us never to stop and ask for directions and before we know it, we will find ourselves ask, "How did I get here?"….
2013 is a New Year but let's be determined not to let it be just another year but a year of Change and Freedom.  Let's not enter the New Year the same way we exited the old.  Let this be a year where dreams really do come true, visions come to pass, healthy relationships are formed and some restored, a year of full of joy, peace, rest, encouragement, freedom, and so much more!
Go to www.encouragingtouch.com or www.ginadacus.com and purchase your book, "How did I get here? It's time to be set free today".  Purchase a book for a friend. Yes give a gift this year that will impart seeds of wisdom, ah ha moments, love, inspiration, and hope for a lifetime.
As always on today Be Ye Encouraged!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Now is the Time

Raw and Uncut. Yes I'm doing kitchen ministry again. (lol) but seriously my daughter recorded me in my kitchen. I might redo more professional if the Lord says the same. Two years ago God began to speak to me and gave me this piece. I heard him say that I would do this spoken word at many churches and it really wasn't one that I was thrilled about giving but knew it was from Him. I released it at my church but He didn't have me release it until now. I felt prompted today to just do it. Be Ye encouraged!

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

A thought on Forgiveness...Powerful!

I heard Oprah repeat a powerful quote that she heard from one of her guest, "Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past can be changed" … That quote was like a flaming arrow that penetrated the core of my soul.  I've heard and held on to that old saying, "I will forgive but I won't forget."   I believe like me many of us have taken that saying out of context based off our own experience. 
We often forgive with our mouths but our emotions as well as actions are depicting a total different response.  We say we forgive while our mind takes a mini and sometimes over-extended vacation from the offense until something else reminds us of the pain, betrayal, rejection, lie, etc and brings us back to the home of our soul.  We find ourselves back living with the very offense we said we forgave but didn't forget.  When I heard this quote I had what I like to call an Ah-Ha moment.  I didn't forget the offense therefore I didn't forget the emotions behind it.  I believe what we are not suppose to forget is what we learned about ourselves through the situation and the lessons behind it as well.  Yes, what did you learn about yourself? I remember there was a situation that happened to me when I called a person who I respected to share how I felt about things that were done and I was hurt by, but I never was truthful with her about it. Well I didn't even get very far and I didn't get the response I expected from her.  I called one of my prayer partners to come over and pray with me about it. After I finished explaining the situation and explaining that I had forgiven this particular person already, my friend boldly & truthfully looked into my eyes and said, "This is not about her this is about you."  You should have seen the bewildered look I gave her as my response.  She said, "This is about you still trying to prove to people who you are."  She went on to say, "you have to stop trying to please man." Wow! How did she get that from me telling her someone hurt me in the past and I forgave them? As we began to wrestle through the incident it was plain for me to see that she was right.  I had forgiven this person a long time ago but I was still visiting the incident in my head so when something else that similar happened it triggered that memory of offense and I wanted to come off my vacation and deal with what she did years ago.  Had I truly forgiven her?  Let the truth be told if I had learned the lesson from before or may I say seen how I was affected before I wouldn't have even been in the same situation again with someone else.  Yet I wanted to call her and make her accountable for something she did to me years ago.
This has happened to me before but in an entirely different way.  I thought I had forgiven an ex-boyfriend of mine only to find myself 7 years later married with three girls, awesome job and friends, content, but yet memories of his verbal abuse was still vacationing somewhere in my mind.  Well 7 years had passed when my ex-boyfriend's grandmother had the family over for dinner which wasn't unusual. We have a daughter together and I was very close to his family. Well while we were visiting my oldest daughter had gotten in trouble and I was in a room reprehending her when my ex walked by to go to the rest room and he made one statement on how I should handle her instead of the way I chose to handle her and it took me back seven years and I was right back in the middle of our past relationship full of fury. To put it bluntly- I went the hell off.  I say that because after I cursed him out … I went after my husband because I felt like he should have knocked my ex out for saying anything to me instead he was trying to calm me down.  Now before I go on let me say this, my ex didn't say anything wrong he was actually giving me some good wisdom about my daughter, but coming from Him I took it as him putting me down about the type of mother I was.  Also my husband and Him was just in the room watching the game so he responded how any man who didn't understand his wife's irate behavior coming from another room.  So why did I go off? Had I really forgiven him? The next day I was so conflicted by the woman I thought I was and the woman that went the Hell off.   Then I heard the saying above, "Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past can be changed."  Ah Ha Moment!
I wanted the past to be different. I wanted him to be a different person in the past when we were together but the fact of the matter he wasn't a different man back then and we were no longer together.  I had to forgive him for who he was with me and also understand who he was at that present time is what I should have responded to.  I didn't go into detail of all the lessons that I should have learned when I was hurt, betrayed, misunderstood, etc., but I will admit that I know now there were lessons to be learned in every situation that I found myself having to forgive someone.  One lesson I learned and I wanted to share is "Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past can be changed." That is true freedom!  You are not being imprisoned by woulda, coulda, shoulda thoughts. The past is over, we are suppose to learn from it not hold on to it. Letting go of the hope that the past can be changed or different also frees you from standing at the prison cell to make sure the person who committed the offensive pays for it. It's time to move on!  Whether you are imprisoned or standing guard of the prisoner, you are still bound!  So I will add to that quote, "Forgiveness is letting go of the hope that the past can be changed" and "allows you to grab a hold of the future that can be!"  I have seen so much fruit in my life from this truth! I was able to even let go of the hope that my childhood and relationship with my mother could have been different it can't be it's over but now I am able to embrace what can be and what is! My mother and I have an amazing relationship and I never had to hear the words I'm sorry!  There is so much more to forgiveness but wanted to give you a simple post to cause you to think about forgiveness in a new light and may it stir up something on the inside of you if you haven't been able to forgive someone or if you haven't forgiven them.  Be Ye Encouraged and Be Blessed 
To order my new book, "How did I get here?" It's time to be set Free! ... Go to www.encouragingtouch.com 
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Be Thankful In all Things!

Good Morning.. As we preparing ourselves for Thanksgiving, remember to be thankful for all things even in your valley experiences. Here is an inspiration excerpt from the book  "How did I get Here?" Get your copy today. Go to www.encouragingtouch.com or www.ginadacus.com   Happy Thanksgiving Everyone and as always Be Blessed and Be Ye Encouraged.

 Poem - "Listen"
Swim through the river of tears until you reach the destination of your passion,
Search through the fields of disappointment and confusion until you stumble across the field of purpose,
Climb up the ladder of your rejection until you reach the level of your potential,
Fight to rise above the quick sand of gossip and negativity that keeps you bound in your own self-pity,
Continue to sow a seed of endurance until it produces a harvest of restortion....

"Get the Book" 

Friday, November 2, 2012

How Did I Get Here? Time To be Set Free!

Have you ever found yourself in a valley, low place and had to ask yourself the question. How did I get here? It's not about where you are but where you can go! You have the power to move forward. Our mess can become our message.  There also comes a time when good is no longer good enough and it's time to face greatness with every ounce of courage! Don't ask yourself will this book change your life because I can give you the answer if you allow the words in this book and the stories to encourage, inspire, and empower you it will ! Go to my site today www.encouragingtouch.com and order your copy! Lets support each other so please pass on to your network.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Lord, I trust you!

As the air gave life to my next breath, I glanced up for there was a great ensemble amongst the trees. Their production was magnificent.  It was something exhilarating about the way their hands freely gave way to the melody of the wind that joined in. I envied them in a way because their very presence was free!  Free to be who they were created to be, free to do what they were created to do, free to trust their creation and their creator.  Trust is a word we throw around often especially in our relationships and often times its misrepresented.  We've all heard the sayings, "Without no Trust it's no us, I trust no one so don't take it personal, and what about this one I use it often- Trust is earned". Even though all these statements hold a high percentage of truth we tend to forget that at the very core of trust is relationship.  Trust is the reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, and surety of a person or thing. It's having a confidence in the certainty of something or someone.   I stood infatuated at how the trees positioned themselves in confidence with their chests poked out and the strength within their arms was evident. What a mighty array of warriors that stood before me.  It caused me to reflect on a situation that had just happened where an opportunity for my daughter arose but because of the cost we couldn't take advantage of it. I felt so helpless and went on the porch to cry without my daughter seeing me. It was at that moment I felt the Lord speak through the bellows of the trees. He said you give money too much power. Money doesn't have the final say in your destiny nor the destiny of your daughter.   It was as if I found a lost treasure. I can't describe it but I became so overwhelmed… I couldn't speak but wanted to shout out I'm rich! I'm rich!  His wisdom was a wealth of information to me in a critical moment of choosing would I trust Him.  Money is a powerful resource and a great influencer but it still has to yield to its creator & when it comes to what God has for us it's even limited in what it can do.  The earth is the Lord and everything in it!  I want to encourage and remind you that GOD is your provider! He will have the final say. Trust Him and know that He see's all and knows all.   Trust in God opens up the door to the Favor of GOD!!! Yes there are some things money can't even buy!  So I stood before those mighty warriors and I too positioned myself in the confidence of the one I trust.  I spoke into the atmosphere, "Lord I trust you." Be Ye Encouraged today.
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Book Release Trailer ! How did I get Here? Time to get set free!

 Watch the video but then go the website and purchase your copy of the book. It will change your life! Thank you
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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Look again!

I watched as the mountains look upon the attitude of the raging stream. Staring down at the coldness of it's unwavering hands washing over the brittle rocks. Calm one minute, fierce the next, impatient as it tries to find it's never ending destination. When it's waves are in unity they are unconscious of the hindrances ahead. In their time of peace it's crystal coat reflects the heavenly skies. It is surrounded by the driest of lands yet makes them look so admirable. There were times when I felt so dry inside, no thirst for anything but apathy but could always find myself at the bank of the ocean looking at the clouds being reflected by the beauty of it's face. It's in those moments that senses are awakened and you can see things much clearer than the minute before. It's where the mystery of creation begins to wet your curiosity. You began to see the hand print of the creator in ways that was blinded to you before. How He reveals Himself in a moment is as breath taking as looking at purity of the ocean in it's stillness. How you can cling on the muscles of a mountain as you try to ascend to the top. It's amazing how some roads are pathed more clearly than others. I've come to a resolve that God's creation is really beauty hidden in the ugliness of sin.
Try to look again through the eyes of the creator! What a different view!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Monday, September 24, 2012

Pre-Order my new Book Today!

How did I get here is a book that was birthed out of freedom -- the freedom to believe in myself, the freedom to step out on Faith even when the outcome is unknown, and the freedom to be a part of a vision that is bigger than myself.

Go to my site today and click on books - Pre-Order today and Tell a Friend!

New Book Release! Pre-Order Your Copy Today


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Tiffany James - Uncut No Limits Video

This piece will encourage, empower, and challenge you. It's time to take the Limits off of God and that's when you will be able to take the Limits off yourself.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

It's nothing wrong with taking time to examine or re-examine our walk

There is a time in our lives that we have to really examine or re-examine ourselves.  It's OK to ask ourselves some questions?  In recent days my heart has become quite sadden by the things I have seen in this world but even more sadden by the things that is going on with the body of Christ.  The enemy has tried to discredit God in this season while so many of us have complicated our walk with God.     
 It’s funny because people are still trying to get delivered from the world but really need to be delivered from religion, man, traditions, and maybe even self.  Mark 7: 8 - You have let go of the commands of God and are holding on to the traditions of men”
It’s time for us to really examine the motive behind our ministry.  It’s time for us to examine or re-examine to see if we are seeking the Kingdom of God or the Kingdom of Self. 
When things that we do for God  is not received or if we preach a message that people don't like are we sad that people rejected God or is that they didn't receive us that really bothers us?   Do we care more about how we speak or preach than what we preach?
Are we trying to convince people who we are or who God is?
Do you ask God for direction but move before He answers? Then do we lead and tell God to follow?  Trying to do things that satisfies our need to be affirmed finding our hands doing things he didn't call us to.  There is a difference between a good idea and a God idea.  So many times we change the very thing about ourselves that will bring God fame to build up our own name. It has never been about works!
Are we constantly opening the front door of our sight only seeing the faults, failures, and issues of others while our unseen yet present issues are scratching at the back door of our souls begging for us to open up so they can get the attention and healing they deserve?  How long will we pretend that the sound of destruction knocking at our own door is just the wind?  So how long will we sit in the discomfort of our home and act like nothing in our lives is wrong instead of crying out to God and allowing Him to clean house and take total control?
Are we any different from the world? They thirst for fortune and fame but yet many of us search for power, titles, and a big name.  There is nothing wrong with wanting to be successful in life but too many people have gained success but didn't have the character to keep it. Did you know you can gain success and still be incomplete?  We increase when the knowing of who He is in us increases. The best part of you is Him!
Are we really happy when we see our sisters and brothers prospering? Or do we in the back of our mind began to resent them asking when is it my time?
Do you we value each other talents and gifts or is it only when we need them?
Are we constantly searching for a new revelation because the one we received is not the one we want?

Is our faith only strong when things are going right? and when we are in our wilderness experience and can't see or hear God do we become double-minded about His Promises and the things He spoke to us?

Do you hold back when it comes to your talents and gifts because you care about what others may think of you? Do you know when you don't know who you are it's easy for others to define you?  Be free of fear, opinions, and intimidation. You were not created to look or be like anyone else. You are unique! Give the world what God has given you ! Be Free to be you- Fearfully and Wonderfully made!
When we hear of tragedies such as the movie massacre do we fall on our faces and cry out to God?, do we take a moment to grieve for the lives lost and their love ones?, do we take time to even intercede or do we go through out our day worried about self as if God’s Spirit is not grieved?
We are ambassadors of the Kingdom of God! The Kingdom of God is in us, what are we revealing to others about the kingdom?  Are we representing what the Kingdom looks like well?
We are authorized messengers sent out to spread the good news, what message have you given to the lost lately? Is it that God sent His only begotten son for them?  Is it that God loves them? Is it that there is someone who understands? Is it that they can become a new creation in Christ? Is it that there is someone who will never leave or forsake them? Is it they don’t have to die in their sins, that there is no condemnation in Christ?  Or are we too busy trying to become great theologians; becoming great in our own eyes while rejecting the very message of God’s son? Are we too busy trying to show people we can break down His word instead of building up His Kingdom?   
We can’t guilt people to change but it’s through His Loving Kindness that will lead one to repentance.
Do we try to control people, situations, and circumstances? I say let go because where there is control there is fear.  His Perfect love cast out all fear so lets ask God to entangle us in His Love until we can’t escape. Let go of striving it will not get us any further.  I realized we no longer have to strive because remember the best part of us is Him!
There is an old saying.. You can’t continue to do the same thing and expect a different outcome!  Did you know you can't and won't fix anything if you don't realize it's not working.  Acknowledgment is a powerful beginning. It does not make you feel any less.  It will not upset or judge you but it matures you!
So if you didn't like some of your answers I say that's a good thing because that mean change can come.  So give it to God... you can't change by yourself,  you need him because apart from Him you can do nothing. Ask Him to make you over! Sometimes it's so hard starting from scratch but later down the line we find ourselves so grateful that we did!  Let’s ask God to tuck us away even if it’s for a day.   Our mind, body, and souls needs to rest, we need no distractions, what we need to just be one with Him. 

If your walk is on track with God I say Glory !!!! Continue to be a living example so the world can see what the Kingdom of God is suppose to look like and so those who are lost can find a place where they truly belong.
We are one body! So I am writing to encourage you because I too am in a place that I want more of Him and less of me!  (Remember the answers lies within the questions you dare to ask)
Be Blessed :)

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Go Deep!

 I woke up this morning reading 1 Peter.  As I was reading I read the scripture that states " Above All, love each other deeply, because Love covers a multitude of sins. I was reminded once again how powerful "Love" is.  The words "I love you"  is becoming just as futile as the statement " God bless you" after a person sneezes. We throw it around so lightly as if to say those words really carry no weight because we have become such a surface generation where everything is based off what we see or what is presented. No one takes the time to go deep. Peter challenges us not just to Love but to love each other deeply (well within or beneath the surface; to a thorough extent or profound degree). 
We have been trained by the old saying, "what you see is what you get". Believing that's all it is to a person making it almost impossible to really love deeply.  You know it's quite easy to take your shoes off, stand in the shallow waters trying to grasp the beauty of the ocean from afar. Trying to guess if there is anything under the glare of the oceans face, under the trash, stench, and pollution from those who didn't really appreciate or understand it's beauty or existance only seeing it as a body of water, or even trying to see if it still holds any value because it's become so crowed by people and things.
What would happen if we took the time to invest in what we needed to feel safe, secure, and equipped to go deep! I've heard some remarkable stories about the elaborate treasures found at the bottom of the ocean or valuables recovered from sunken vessels. Yes to find these treasures and these valuables that have been lost its going to take a lot more than taking off your shoes but the experience is well worth the time it took for you to learn how to go deep, well worth the equipment you invested in that is needed to really explore and survive in the deep!
One day I was challenged and I try to challenge those around me to ask yourself a question when it comes to relationships whether it be marriage, friendship, church, or business, "Is the core of who a person is worth fighting for?" Most people can't answer that question because when someone hurts us our first response usually is to hurt them back or walk away, when someone lie to us we refuse to trust them again, when someone make a mistake we really don't forgive them, or when people show us a part of themselves that we don't like or understand we go to our "what we see is what we get" mode and we judge! Now I'm not saying we are not suppose to use wisdom. There are some places that divers know is not safe nor worth the dive and they simply don't.  
I also know we are living in a world where it is so hard to go deep but does that mean we hang up our gear and never attempt to find what lies beneath the bank of the ocean?  I can tell you the ocean of life is far more than we can grasp a hold of from the distant shore. 
I can tell you from my going deep experiences I have recovered some very valuable things from sunken vessels. You know what I mean...from people that have been misunderstood, mistreated, pre-judged, labeled, out-casted, over looked, lost and forgotten. They are the most precious vessels sometimes with the most valuable treasures. The hurt, pain, bitterness, and hardness is on the surface but man underneath is Gold! Now many will read this and say, "what ever Tiffany..." more than likely it's because you never went deep within the ocean of your own soul to find out you too are a remarkable treasure or you have forgotten that you were once lost but God used an experienced diver willing to go deep to uncover or recover you. Maybe you read this and say, "been here done that and will never again." I say to you that divers get disappointed all the time but they go back and examine their expedition see what went wrong but most importantly what they did right. They learn, they find out what they need to go deep again that they didn't have the first time, they make sure they have the right team or should this next adventure be one they have to take alone.  Maybe you realize you've been on the shallow end so afraid of going deep I say ask God to give you His full gear (armor) and get ready to be astounded
Lets learn to love each other deeply beyond what our shallow eyes can see. That includes loving for ourselves and loving God. There is depths to God that most people including us who are saved and go to church will never come to know because we are too afraid to go deep, we have been disappointed and don't want to go back again, or those who rather live by "what you see is what you get" method even with God. I believe there is a bounty of treasure in the deep that will never been found because not too many will ever do what is needed to go deep!
Remember you can't go deep without being equipped because the pressure in the depths of the ocean is too much for you to handle on your own and like so many you will loose yourself and die before you reach the ocean floor.  You need your fathers Holy Spirit with you at all times in the deep! He can equip you and take you further than you ever imagine in Love for others. Remember Perfect Love cast out all Fear so Go Deep! Change the world, help those who seem like a hopeless case, uncover treasure you didn't even know existed in your current relationships, lets be a true reflection of God's love, and I can go on ...but instead I will say again,  Go Deep!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Saturday, June 23, 2012

The only Sign you need today is His Love

Often times we tend to look for signs as proof to things that we are expecting or believing but I want you to know we don't follow the signs of what if, the signs of disappointments, the signs of maybe, or the signs that the world tries to sink into our very beings that they are the proof of truth. The only sign that is sure is God's Love! It flows from within, it strengthens from within, it speaks from within, it guides from within, it encourages from within, it keeps us from within, it speaks to us from within, it transforms us from within, and it always affirms from the inside out!  That's the only proof we need. It is that proof alone in which we exist. So today walk in the assurance of His Love and allow it to discredit everything that is contrary to His very essence which is Love!
If you don't know the depth of His Love for you simply ask Him.
Be Ye Encouraged today!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Steadfast, Unmovable, Always abiding in His Perfect Will by Tiffany James

I know for many it seems like the weight is getting too heavy to continue on but remember His Yoke is easy and His burden is light. We tend to forget we can't carry the cares of this world on our own. We are not to be independent in our Faith but totally dependent on our Father. In this season things seem like they are closing in on us but really it's forcing us to move out on Faith.  A situation happened with me and my family recently concerning finances and I could tell that it was weighing heavy on my husband. As he left to take my daughter up the street I walked him outside and I tried to encourage him. As I was standing outside there was a peace that really does surpass all understanding that came over me.  The Lord began to speak to me after that. I felt Him saying " We give money too much power" We tend to think money has the final say but it doesn't. The earth and everything in it has to yield itself to the creator.
The scripture money answers all things is often taken out of context.  
Money, in the context of this passage, is the Hebrew word keceph, meaning silver from it's pale color, money or price.
Price.  It speaks of value and worth and induces consideration.
So, could we then interpret Ecclesiastes 10:19 like this?  "There is a price for all things."
There is a price for all things but God has the final say for everything. He is the owner of all things.  Money will not dictate what God is going to do in our lives. God has a mandate & a promise for each of our lives.  I know it seems like the promises that we've tarried for looks as if it's never going to come to pass and it even seems like the promises that has finally come into our reach now looks like it's on the altar to be sacrificed but just like Abraham God wants to know, will you give back what is His if He ask?  It's His promise! Abraham knew it didn't matter how long he waited, how much he himself sacrificed, it didn't matter what he sowed, it didn't even matter that he had tried to do everything God asked of him, what mattered was he knew His promise really belonged to the Lord and He trusted God to take care what is His. We are just stewards! So the question is have you been a good steward of what God has entrusted you with?
I want to encourage those who feel like they don't know what to do. I don't know all what God is doing but I do know in this season do not question His love for you, do not question what He is going to do and how He chooses to do it.  God is looking for for the Abraham's  of today. Don't try to figure out how it's going to happen just trust God and keep moving forward No turning Back! Don't question if you made wrong decisions or did you hear God at all. The enemy tries to have us go back and forth because he knows a double minded man is unstable and will not hold on to the word of God and can not expect to receive anything from God because He simply doesn't believe.  There was a season not to long ago that I was going back and forth because our circumstance's looked so bleak. Loosing our home, my hubby not getting into career he labored for,  time when it seemed like every door of opportunity closed, and there was even one point on time we had just enough food, bank accounts over drawn barely couldn't pay tithes because there wasn't any money.  I began to question did I do something wrong, have I not did enough God, was I disobedient, started going over every decision I made, I started trying to do more to earn His favor as if I could ever do enough? before I knew it I had no peace and I was caught up with thoughts that were not my own and couldn't hear God.  But I can write you and tell you GOD IS FAITHFUL. I have seen His hand print in places that I never even knew He was working. I know He loves me and its nothing I can do to make Him love me any less and there is nothing I can do more of to make Him Love me more because He loved me unconditionally before the foundation of this world.  I will no longer partner with lies, fears, guilt, worry, etc.  I choose to walk in what I know and that is GOD is the same GOD yesterday, today, and forever more. I don't know what He is doing, I don't know why it's happening, I don't know why the provision is not coming like it use to in our circumstances and our individual lives, I dont know why it seems like God is quiet at times, I don't know why it seems like the promises look bleak but I do know GOD will meet every need and fulfill every promise. I know He is doing something big that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no mind can even comprehend but my Spirit can bare witness!  It's ok to cry out to Him because in our weakness He is made strong.   As a parent you know you will do anything for your children....if you are doing something they don't understand but you tell them you will take care of everything ... don't worry about anything. You would want your kids to trust the mom or dad in you. Can you trust your heavenly father?  Be careful who speaks into your atmosphere.. You need people who are going to speak truth, stand on God's word, and intercede! Seeking His Will !   We want God to do miracles but we keep looking for the ways our minds can comprehend for Him to show up! We hold His hands back from doing what He desires.  It seems like I myself have been in the wilderness for a long time but I'm coming out and into my promise. I will not forfeit my Blessings in the desert.
I will continue to intercede and I know GOD will show up and show out! I don't know how I just know He can and He will !!! So be free to minister and pour out His Love out everywhere you go in confidence. At the end of the day it always comes back to His Love!  We might not have happiness 24 hours a day because happiness stems from the things we are blessed with in this world but We do have JOY because it comes from deep within. That place that only God can reach and assure all is Well ! It's JOY that I can send this email, It's joy that I can still give and encourage people when my situation might look just as bad ! It's a joy that says the GOD I serve is Faithful and HE LOVES ME ! When I mess up He loves me, When I'm not sure what's going HE LOVES ME. That's why I can still minister HIS LOVE because it will never FAIL ! I feel like crying, shouting, laying hands,  laying out ! Man in times like this new opportunities to see GOD comes forth before I very eyes.  When you get desperate and hungry for GOD ....You do things that you have been fearful to do before because now it's a must! Lets ask GOD what do He want!  Our ways are not His ways and our thoughts are not His either! 
We are testimonies to the GOODNESS OF GOD! We don't serve a little GOD. So lets stop telling GOD how big our problems are and start telling our problems how Big our GOD IS!
Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Word from Encouraging Touch by Tiffany James - Naked Before Him

"Naked Before Him"
I found myself slowing removing my robe of false protection that had hidden all my insecurities, yes I took off the last piece of garment of comfort that hid my deepest emotions. I felt so vulnerable at first but as I stood before him naked I felt His love covering me. A sense of intimacy that words can't utter.   I had to admit that I had been bare before my friends in regards to my struggles and fears even though God is the only one who has felt the very thing that has invaded my spirit and flooded my soul.  Why have I waited so long to unlock the dungeon of my soul when he was right here calling out me, " My child I already have the key"  I was so ashamed yet desperately trying to overcome the battle within so that I could stand before Him and say I've kept His commandments and I did not sin.  I made a promise that I could not keep and I tried to hide my failed attempts each time. I didn't want the one I truly loved, the one who I owed my life to, the one who I wanted to please more than anything,  the one I longed to be like, that I was imperfect and incapable of doing this on my own. There were fears that I could not beat, struggles that was becoming too powerful for me to continue to wrestle with and roots that became so stubborn that it would take more than a crane to remove.   As I continued to hide He continued to wait and I became weaker and in return He became stronger & even though I refused to yield to His strength I became over powered and the cave of my soul began to collapse.   I found myself in the apparatus of His Glory and the formation of who He created me to be begun.  Yes like a premature new born baby I was kept in the incubator of His love.  He controlled the conditions of my growth and made sure I was not exposed to anything that would weaken the immune system of my spirit. 
Nothing else accompanied me in His Presence. My shame could no longer hide, my guilt stood before Him speechless, Sin loosed its grip, every thought was taken captive, and my pain & disappointments began to wail out in agony. I was bare and uncovered. Exposed and Defenseless against His Love and for the first time in my life I felt complete.

Tiffany James, Encouraging Touch Enterprise
"Give a gift that creates a Legacy to Encourage, Inspire, and Bless those you love for a life time"